8 augustus 2019 - 14:30 uur - Fringe 06 - Echo Temporis Consort

Giorgio Mainerio (~ 1530/40 – 1582) - Pass’e mezzo antico (from : Il primo libro de balli a quattro voci accommodati per cantar et sonar d’ogni sorte de istromenti)

Frans Geysen (1936*) - Periferisch-diagonaal-concentrisch

Giovanni Maria Trabaci (~ 1575 – 1647) - Consonanze stravaganti (from: Ricercate, & algri varij capricci, Libro 1, 1603)

Vincenzo Ruffo (~ 1508 – 1587) - La Gamba in Tenor La Disperata (from: Capricci in musica a tre voci, 1564)

Samuel Scheidt (1587 – 1654) - Fantasia super „Io son ferito ai lasso“ (from : Tabulatura Nova, 1624)

LocatieKapel van Hof Bladelin, Naaldenstraat, 19, Brugge

Het Hof Bladelin is een stadspaleis in de Naaldenstraat in Brugge dat in 1435 werd gebouwd in opdracht van Pieter Bladelin. Vanaf 1466 was hier een bankfiliaal van de machtige bankiersfamilie De' Medici uit Florence.  


As an Ensemble specialized on the music between the late 15th and early 17th century, Echo Temporis Consort was founded in 2017 by the four recorder players Clément Gester, Noemi Müller, Charlotte Schneider and Lea Sobbe, who met during their studies at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. Exploring the vocal and instrumental Renaissance repertoire, the young musicians’ aim is to feature the immense variety of sound colours of this music with the possibilities offered by a recorder consort. In consequence Echo Temporis Consort experiments with different scorings to find colourful instrumentations, emphasizing the affect of each piece. The groups’ approach to its musical repertoire is characterized by balancing the imitation of vocal practice and the advantages of the possibilities a purely instrumental setting offers. Echo Temporis regularly performs in concerts in Switzerland. The group receives lessons with Katharina Bopp, Conrad Steinmann and Han Tol at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. In masterclasses and coachings with Susanna Borsch, Peter van Heyghen, Pedro Memelsdorff and Jan Van Hoecke the musicians keep discovering their repertoire from different perspectives.

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